I want to get Flash. However, I'd rather not pay the listed: $699 on the Flash website. But so many people have it... how? I'm quite positive that most people on Newgrounds didn't fully pay for it...
So, how, people? I need to know. Is it a school thing? If so, what class, discount/free? Etc...
Every time I ask people how they got it, they just say 'I know people.' Well... I DON'T know people... Help?
I'm the Nerd, I'm awesome, and I will always be better than you. You can't deny my awesome. I could beat you at everything if I tried. I can even beat you at everything with out trying. I'm awesome. And because I'm awesome, I can do anything. Bow before me, pawn. I am you lord, master, king, ruler, and god. You shall listen to none but me, I control you, I'm the best. You are a minion, and nothing better.
1. You're profile name is idiotic.
2. Get a life.
3. I have a God. His name is Jesus, and he could smite thee.
4. Foamy is Lord and Master. NOT YOU.
5. Looking at your profile, you look at porn. Low-life.
Finally: You may think you're awesome. But from what you've shown here, you have no life, are NOT awesome, do not control me, and have no future. Go work on that. I await your return.